The New York Porn Exchange?

Jasmin St. Claire and some of her more exotic girlfriends plan to take the bulls by the horns - the Wall Street bulls, that is. They're calling themselves the Alliance for a Bullish America and plan a rally with "progressive economists" and others outside the New York Stock Exchange May 24. nrnTheir platform is simple enough: "Levity and sensuality go hand-in-hand with prosperity." Their plan is to put a little resuscitation into frazzled Wall Street denizens during their Wednesday lunch breaks before marching to Merrill Lynch Plaza, where St. Claire plans to mount and ride a bull. nrnThey also plan on handing out thousands of ( pre-paid access cards. ErectVision, in case you didn't know it, just so happens to have St. Claire herself as CEO - Chief Erotic Officer, that is. The cards are aimed as "prevent(ing) the bear market from rearing its ugly head and help the Boyz on W Street keep a positive, uplifting mindset during these volatile economic times," according to ErectVision spokesman David Granoff.